Page 2 - Grocery Fixture Display Guide - Innovative Display Solutions
P. 2

4256 Corporate Exchange Drive
                   Hudsonville, MI 49426         INNOVATIVE          DS          Phone:  616.896.6080
                                                             Fax:      616.896.6081
                                                    Display Solutions

                Department Index

                                                              Innovative Display Solutions offers quality displays solutions
                                                              to enhance your retail environment.
              *URFHU\ :DOOV   (QG &DSV

                                                              Our retail displays are crafted to offer style, function, and
              *URFHU\ ,VODQGV   'LVSOD\V                      structural durability.

                                                                     Style- Display designs focus on providing your
              *URFHU\ 7DEOHV   'HPR 6WDWLRQV                         customers with an attractive and comfortable
                                                                     environment while shopping in your marketplace.

              *URFHU\ 'XPS %LQV   &UDWHV                             Function- The purpose of our fixture line is to draw
                                                                     attention to your product and motivate sales during
                                                                     your customer's shopping experience.  Each product is
                                                                     crafted to be appealing and easy to use while
                                                                     accommodating your shoppers.
              *URFHU\ %XON 'LVSOD\V

                                                                     Structural Durability- We take pride in creating
                                                                     fixtures that last and look good in your retail space.
              *RQGROD $FFHQWV   $FFHVVRULHV                          Our fixture solutions are designed and engineered

                                                                     using top quality, environmentally safe components.

              *UHHQ ,QLWLDWLYHV

                                                              This guide provides a selection of fixture solutions intended to
                                                              generate ideas that create the right layout for your retail space.
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